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BrainVoyager Diffusion Weighted Imaging Interaction With Other Software Convert MRtrix fiber files to BrainVoyager fiber files

Convert MRtrix fiber files to BrainVoyager fiber files

Data preprocessing

This document was created with
• BrainVoyagerQX 2.2 build 1635 64-bit on Mac OSX 10.6
• BrainVoyagerNiftipluginv1.08.180610onMacOSX10.6(includedinthe default installation of BVQX 2.2)
• MRTrix 0.2.8 on Debian Lenny 64-bit

1. Create a DMR project in BVQX. Use the Nifti converter to export it to Nifti. Do not transform the data.
2. Create a VMR project in BVQX. Use the Nifti converter to export it to Nifti. Do not transform the data.

3. Create a region of interest in BVQX. Save it as a *.voi file. Use the Nifti converter to export it to Nifti. Do not transform the data.
4. Create the gradient file in BVQX, including the b-values. Save it as a grb file. In this example, I needed to flip the y and z directions. Open the *.grb file with a text editor. Remove all the header information but be sure to keep the gradient directions (the 4 columns with gradient direc- tions and b-values). I used matlab to invert the y and z directions, that is:

>> importdata(’grad.txt’);
>> grad(:,2) = -grad(:,2);
>> grad(:,3) = -grad(:,3);
>> dlmwrite(’grad_yzflip.b’,grad,’delimiter’,’ ’);

5. Now we‘re ready for MRTrix. Use the standard pipeline. Go to the direc- tory where you have saved the Nifti files of the anatomy, DMR data and VOI(s).

~$ mrconvert anat.nii anat.mif


~$ mrconvert dwi.nii dwi.mif


 ~$ mrconvert voi.nii voi.mif

create a mask

 ~$ mrconvert dwi.mif -coord 3 0 - | threshold - - | median3D - - | median3D - mask.mif

fiber tracking from the VOI: 

~$ streamtrack DT_STREAM dwi.mif -seed voi.mif -mask mask.mif -grad grad_yzflip.b cst_dt.tck

et voila !


Converting the MRtrix fiber file to BrainVoyager fiber file


MRtrix software and read_mrtrix_tracks.m by J-D Tournier, Brain Research Institute, Melbourne,

 >> fbr = mrtrix2bvfiber(xdim,ydim,zdim);

where xdim: anterior-posterior dimension of VMR(!)
ydim: inferior-superior dimension
zdim: left-right dimension

or alternatively

 >> fbr = mrtrix2fiber;

requires BVQXtools package from


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