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SDM inspector

This plugin will perform a "sanity" check on all the SDMs, listed in a MDM file.
The following conditions are checked and all need to be fulfilled in order to succesfully run the Multi Subject GLM:

  • All SDMs must have the same number of predictors of interest
  • The names for the predictors of interest must all match
  • There can not be predictors of interest that contain only zeros across runs
  • There can not be confound predictors that contain only zeros

Any errors are reported to both the log tab and a log file.



When you run the plugin, it will ask you to select an MDM file. A report of the inspection will automatically be printed to the log tab and to a log file. 


Version 2.2 (31-01-2017)Windows 64bit

- BV 20.x compatible


Version 2.1 (21-11-2014)Windows 64bitWindows 32bitMacOS (this version also works with BrainVoyager 21.4 on Mac OS 10.14),

(24-06-24): BV23 on Apple Silicon

- spelling error fixes

Version 2.0 (03-09-2014)

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