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Turbo-BrainVoyager Plugins Read Neurofeedback Values in Matlab

Read Neurofeedback Values in Matlab

From Turbo-BrainVoyager 4.0 onwards TBV export a detailed neurofeedback output allowing more detailed offline analysis.

For each volume a .nfv file is stored in the feedback folder. The file contains the following information:

CurTimePt: 199
Baseline1: 1397.70349
CurValue: 1444.84363
MaxPSC: 1.5
AvgLastN: 3
FbLevel: 23
TargLevel: 0
CurCond: 1
BLWndShift: 3 1


CurTimePt defines the current time point in the experiment

Baseline1 defines the baseline value that was used to calculate the FbLevel

CurValue is the current value of this volume

MaxPSC is the maximum percent signal change used for this volume during the experiment

AvgLastN defines the temporal smoothing (average of the last N volumes) that was used in this volume

FbLevel defines the level of Feedback that was presented in Bars. The display in TBV ranges from 0 to 10 but higher values are stored in the variable to do a detailed analysis.

CurCond defines the current condition that was present during this volume

BLWndShift defines the shift of the baseline at the beginning (first value) and end (second value) of the baseline period used in this volume.


To read in these settings easily  in matlab you can use the example scribt below:

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