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Voxel size and acquisition matrix

  1. We recommend using iso-voxel data (x, y and z dimensions the same, i.e. 2x2x2 mm). If voxels are not isotropic, artificial diffusion measures will be introduced. Use the smallest voxel size possible on your scanner.
  2. Do not use a slice gap!
  3. The acquisition matrix should not be interpolated up to a higher resolution. Interpolation will only result in a visual improvement of the data, but in fact, it introduces unwanted artifacts and should thus be avoided!! Ask your MR technician to turn off interpolation on any DW-MRI sequence.
  4. Although it is not strictly necessary, we recommend using a square acquisition matrix (128x128, 96x96 etc), since BrainVoyager handles square matrices better than non-square matrices.
  5. Use as many slices as needed to cover the entire brain and cerebellum.
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