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AutoIT - Auto Combine Maps

Developed by Jasper van den Bosch


Combining volume maps (.vmp, .gcm, etc) into group maps e.g. through a t-test can be done through the BrainVoyager Combine Maps Dialog. However, in some cases you may have a structured naming scheme for your map files (e.g. "subject_condition_maptype") and adding a long list of maps to the dialog may take more time than necessary, especially when you want to create multiple group maps from different combinations, on the basis of your naming structure. autoCombineMaps was written to automate this for you. 


Add volume map files by folder using "Add maps by folder". Click "access submaps" to let the program access the underlying maps in the found files. The first time this is done for a file, respective files are created in the filesystem for each submap found.


The "Combine.." tab contains a frame for selecting maps to be used for the combination. (A second frame for a second group to combine against (G1>G2) is under development). Select a substituent value for those parts in your naming scheme that you want to select from, and review whether the right maps have been selected below. For example; if you want to take all maps from subject "AA", and combine all maps for all conditions, set the subject part to "AA" and leave the others to "all". After you have selected the maps, choose the type of combination to perform (only the G1>0 option yet), and click "create.." to start BrainVoyager automation.


Installation and Prerequisites

Download the zip-file found at the bottom of this page and unzip it. Double-click the contained autoCombineMaps.exe file to start the program. The required functionality "access submaps" runs a MatLab script in the background the first time a file is used. This requires that MatLab is installed on the pc running autoCombineMaps. 

Download Contains the program executable and source code.

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