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BrainVoyager Available Tools Matlab Tools Download and install NeuroElf (BVQXTools)

Download and install NeuroElf (BVQXTools)

Downloading the latest edition

Please download the latest publicly available edition of NeuroElf (formerly known as 'BVQXTools') from (or which might be recommended (for example, the 'spmmat2prt' function in NeuroElf is more up-to-date than 'spmmat2prt' function of BVQXTools).

In case you have trouble getting the compilation of MEX-based functions to work (which are required for almost any operation now!), a set of pre-compiled MEX-files is part of this package for Mac OSX (32-bit and 64-bit Intel as well as PPC), Linux (GLX and A64), as well as Windows (only 32-bit for now).


Simply unzip the contents to a path of your choice, change into this directory in Matlab and run the M-file from the ZIP archive. This will start the installation, during which the C-based functions will be compiled and the file formats specifications cache is created, also the classes are checked for functionality and some additional binary files (e.g. a masked version of the colin.vmr) are created.

Note: the compiled functions have been removed from the main (public) distribution of the toolbox, but are made available for major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac); in case compilation fails the installer will automatically inform you that you must download the above mentioned file!

Make sure to save the altered path in pathtool or to add the selected installation directory at later sessions again to make use of the toolbox.

You're now ready to use the xff() function (class) to read and write BrainVoyager file formats, as well as the NeuroElf GUI function (class) to display/browse BV files.

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