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The `glmrunner' is a simple plugin to calculate many single-subject GLMs at once. As an extra, the plugin can generate a multi-subject design matrix (*.mdm).

If the option "Read from file" is selected, the plugin expects a text file with the following structure:

<no of projects n>
<prt project 1>
<vtc/fmr project 1>
<sdm project 1>
<prt project n>
<vtc/fmr project n>
<sdm project n>

The script filenamecollector_SDM_VTC_or_FMR.js (zipped, for old format without stimulation protocols (*.prt)) can be used to collect the filenames and write this text file. (Installation: unzip script, save in /BVQXExtensions/Scripts/ and start BrainVoyager. Run the script from the "Scripts" menu or via the Script Editor.)

Version 0.2.3: With this version, it is possible to calculate multiple single-subject GLMs. Also, an option to save a VMP with a specific contrast for each GLM is available.
Compilations: Mac OS X for BrainVoyager 21, Mac OS X, Linux 64-bit, Windows 64-bit (in test, 09-04-19), Windows 32-bit.   
Source code:
Latest update: 11-09-15



Remarks and suggestions on 'glmrunner' could be sent to support - at - BrainVoyager - dot - com!

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