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BrainVoyager Automation & Development File Formats Users Guide (2.3) - The Format Of MTC Files

Users Guide (2.3) - The Format Of MTC Files

A MTC file contains the functional data (time series) of one experimental run (one functional scan) in surface space, typically in cortex space. It is important to realize that the order of vertex time series in a MTC file follows the order of vertices in a corresponding mesh (SRF) file. When the mesh file links the MTC file, proper correspondence between the two files is established since the first time course is attached to the first vertex of the SRF file, the second time course in the MTC file is attached to the second vertex and so on. As with VTC data, the whole time series for a single vertex is stored contiguously, followed by the time course of the next vertex. This speeds up file access of the data. The binary MTC file contains a variable-length header followed by the actual vertices x time data.

MTC Header

4 int 1 version number
4 int   number of vertices
4 int   number of time points
N * 1 char   name of source VTC file' (ends with '0')
M * 1 char   name of linked protocol file; if not available: '<none>; (ends with '0')
4 int   hemodynamic delay (*1)
4 float   TR - Repetition Time (*1)
4 float   delta parameter for hemodynamic response function (*1)
4 float   tau parameter for hemodynamic response function (*1)
4 int   segment size (intervals per stimulus block/event) (*1)
4 int   segment offset - first datapoint after first rest period (*1)
1 char 1 datatype of MTC data; 1 = 'float'

(*1) These values are not important anymore and might be dropped in future versions (they can be ignored).

MTC Data

The data is organized in a vertices x time matrix: all data points per vertex are saved together, so time runs as the inner loop:



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