Here you'll find examples of how to use Matlab and DTITools with DWI data.
How to access a DMR in Matlab
this command will open a file dialog, to open an existing DMR
>> dmr = BVQXfile('*.dmr');
alternatively, you can open a file directly:
>> dmr = BVQXfile('human31dir.dmr');
look at the dmr properties
>> dmr
FileVersion: 2
NrOfVolumes: 31
NrOfSlices: 75
NrOfSkippedVolumes: 0
Prefix: 'human31dir'
DataStorageFormat: 3
TR: 3000
InterSliceTime: 40
TimeResolutionVerified: 0
TE: 0
SliceAcquisitionOrder: 0
SliceAcquisitionOrderVerified: 0
ResolutionX: 128
ResolutionY: 128
LoadAMRFile: 'human31dir_firstvol_as_anat.amr'
ShowAMRFile: 1
ImageIndex: 0
LayoutNColumns: 10
LayoutNRows: 8
LayoutZoomLevel: 1
SegmentSize: 10
SegmentOffset: 0
DisplayVolume: 0
ProtocolFile: '<none>'
InplaneResolutionX: 2
InplaneResolutionY: 2
SliceThickness: 2
SliceGap: 0
VoxelResolutionVerified: 1
PosInfosVerified: 1
CoordinateSystem: 1
Slice1CenterX: 0
Slice1CenterY: -7.9903
Slice1CenterZ: -63.1041
SliceNCenterX: 0
SliceNCenterY: -7.9903
SliceNCenterZ: 84.8959
RowDirX: 1
RowDirY: 0
RowDirZ: 0
ColDirX: 0
ColDirY: 1
ColDirZ: 0
NRows: 128
NCols: 128
FoVRows: 256
FoVCols: 256
GapThickness: 0
NrOfPastSpatialTransformations: 0
Trf: [0x0 struct]
RadiologicalConvention: 'YES'
FirstDataSourceFile: 'pimpul_070907_dti -0007-0001-00001.dcm'
GradientDirectionsVerified: 'NO'
GradientXDirInterpretation: 1
GradientYDirInterpretation: 3
GradientZDirInterpretation: 5
GradientInformationAvailable: 'YES'
GradientInformation: [31x4 double]
DWIData: [4-D transio]
get the DWI data into the workspace
>> dwi=resolve(dmr.DWIData);
>> size(dwi)
ans =
128 128 75 31
now, it's a 4-D array, which you can play around with, i.e. show the slices in a movie:
>> dispslicemovie(squeeze(dwi(:,:,:,1)),3)