Labelling functional areas of VOIs

For the surface, the 'copy labels' approach is available (see

For finding names of regions of interest (VOIs) in volumetric data, one of the options is to use the Talairach Daemon. In the text below is described how to obtain summarized results.
New per 08-11-2012: update to batch version (v2) for processing a number of coordinate label files at once.
1. Save the VOI details for each subject (Region of Interest Analysis > Options > VOI Functions > VOI Details). Easiest is to obtain VOI details by loading a *.voi without loading a *.vmp, so that one only gets the coordinates and use as direct input for the Talairach Daemon. (When including stats: Export the VOI details to a text file and save the coordinate columns to a CSV file.)
2. Download the client from:
3. Run the Talairach client with options 'Single point', 'From file' and 'Show results' (see figure below); load the file, indicating the start at the 12th line (if using VOI details directly). After clicking the 'Search' button, register the number of coordinates found.
5. Write a non-formatted text file containing the total number of *.td files, all names and per name the number of labels (take number of coordinates in VOI details or coordinates found by Talairach Daemon):

total nr of td files
filename 1
nr of lines/labels in file 1
filename n
nr of lines/labels in file n
An example is included in with the zip file below in (6).
6. Copy the '' script to /Documents/BVQXExtensions/Scripts/ and adapt the first line (file including path name of *.td filenames).


7. Start BrainVoyager, run the script. This will produce a text file with the number of voxels found per region for each *.td file. The information is also printed to the BrainVoyager QX Log tab (see screenshot below).


v1 (for one *.td file): Copy the 'Make_summary_TD_functional_region_labels.js' script to /Documents/BVQXExtensions/Scripts/ and adapt the first 3 lines (path, coordinate file name and number of lines (take number of coordinates in VOI details or coordinates found by Talairach Daemon).

Required settings

Please note that the following settings in the Talairach Daemon are required to let the script (at least v01) run smoothly:
- Append Data: yes
- Separator: Comma
- Add Record Number to Output: no